Send Coloured Text in Facebook Chat

Almost everyone use facebook for connecting with their friends, relatives, Loved ones :) or just to spend some free time.
Facebook chat is very frequently used by the users. That's why facebook added a new feature of sending coloured text while chat. Now you are no longer bound with sending boring black colour text. Facebook provide some special codes which can be used for sending colored text

All you need to do is to send these codes in facebook chat to form the coloured text.

The codes are given here:

A = [[107015582669715]]
B = [[116067591741123]]
C = [[115602405121532]]
D = [[112542438763744]]
E = [[115430438474268]]
F = [[109225112442557]]
G = [[111532845537326]]
H = [[111356865552629]]
I = [[109294689102123]]
J = [[126362660720793]]
K = [[116651741681944]]
L = [[115807951764667]]
M = [[106596672714242]]
N = [[108634132504932]]
O = [[116564658357124]]
P = [[111669128857397]]
Q = [[107061805996548]]
R = [[106699962703083]]
S = [[115927268419031]]
T = [[112669162092780]]
U = [[108983579135532]]
V = [[107023745999320]]
W = [[106678406038354]]
X = [[116740548336581]]
Y = [[112416755444217]]
Z = [[165724910215]]

If you want to send HELLO in coloured text then you need to send this code..

[[111356865552629]] [[115430438474268]] [[115807951764667]] [[115807951764667]] [[116564658357124]]

In the similar way you can spell your message with their respective codes.

Note: This trick works only with chat box or sending Inbox not with Status or comments.
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Beben Koben
27 June 2012 at 04:01 ×

you can use here for generated ;)
nice to meet you \m/

Congrats bro Beben Koben you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...